X Plane 11 Demo Download
I have seen this in the forums:
Tried X-Plane 11, ____ was wrong with it. Reinstalled and it [did/did not] fix it
You almost never need to reinstall X-Plane to fix these kinds of things. Ucapan ulang tahun kristen. In particular, if you haven’t installed an add-on, you definitely never need to reinstall.
To get X-Plane back to its clean state, you can do this:
- Run the updater. If you’ve modified a file by accident it will ask if you want to replace it. Say yes.
- Delete all of the files in Output/preferences.
That’s all you have to do. Our installer just dumps files on your disk. It doesn’t set any registry settings or other hidden voodoo that can only be fixed by reinstall. So you can just clean out your prefs, make sure the files are up to date and not modified, and you’re good to go.
In particular, in beta 1, if something is messed up, reinstalling isn’t going to fix it; beta 2 is going to fix it! (Or maybe beta 3. 😉
(I think everyone reading this blog knows this, but you also don’t have to reinstall to get another 15 minute demo.)
About Ben Supnik
Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.X-Plane has always been the professionals choice for a flight simulation package. However, over the past few years - X-Plane has become more popular with the 'general' flight simulator user, the user that flies at home on his PC or Mac. The last few versions of X-Plane have been marketed towards general users and it is becoming increasingly popular within the flight simulation community.
Image shows Antarctica scenery add-on in the latest X-Plane version 11.
With the increase in popularity, freeware developers have started creating add-ons such as aircraft and scenery packages for X-Plane. X-Plane is said to be more realistic in terms of flight dynamics than any of the Microsoft Flight Simulator packages, mainly because of the way X-Plane gives flight to aircraft models.
In Microsoft Flight Simulator, aircraft models are all similar with a simple configuration file to provide simple flight dynamics, while in X-Plane, aircraft shapes, sizes and weights are taken into consideration in the simulation - giving more realistic flight.
While there are not as many add-on packages and downloads for X-Plane as there is for the Microsoft Flight simulators, this is a growing section and it's becoming increasingly popular.
Featured in this section are many aircraft, vehicles, helicopters and scenery expansions for X-Plane, all available for download with your Fly Away Simulation account. Why not try X-Plane today? You can get your hands on the free demo here.
Perhaps you're already an avid X-Plane user, if so - you're sure to find a home here. You can visit our X-Plane 11 discussion forum for discussion topics, and you don't even have to become a member to post. You will be pleased to know that we have recently reviewed the latest X-Plane 11 for our readers. You can read the review here.
You will also be keen to know that most (if not all) of the X-Plane 10 add-ons also with in X-Plane version 11. So if you find anything that specifies XP10, it should work in your new copy of XP11 too.
View all of the X-Plane downloads in the sections below.